[Dr. Jayandren Rasaiah] Course Offerings -- (Schedule Variable)
Physical Chemistry I:
(CHY 471)
(3 Credit Hours)
Applications of Classical Thermodynamics to the study of chemical systems.
Prerequisites: The Molecular Basis of Chemical Change (CHY 122),Physics for Engineers and Physical Scientists (PHY 112/PHY 122), Calculus III (MAT 228) or equivalent.
- Equations of state. Ideal Gas Law, Dalton’s law of partial pressures. Nonideal gases and the virial expansion, virial coefficients and the Boyle temperature. Critical phenomena and critical constants. Law of corresponding states. Van der Waals equation of state. Boltzmann distribution. Calculation of virial coefficients. Lenard Jones potential. SPC/E model for water. Maxwell Botzmann Distribution law. Barometric distribution law.
- Extensive and intensive properties. Fundamental assumption of thermodynamics. Euler’s theorem of homogeneous functions. Partial molar properties. Calculus review. Euler’s relation for exact differentials.
- First Law of Thermodynamics: heat, energy, enthalpy, Heat Capacities, Equipartition theorem Phase transitions. Joule experiment. Joule Thompson experiment.
- Second law of thermodynamics. Entropy, Carnot cycle. Gibbs and Helmholtz Free energies, Fundamental relations for reversible and irreversible processes in closed systems with PV work. Maxwell’s elations. Gibbs-Helmholtz relation.
- Third Law of Thermodynamics, Standard states, Magnetic systems.
- Open systems, Chemical potential, Partial molar properties revisited. Gibbs-Duhem equation. Thermodynamic of ideal gases and gas mixtures Thermodynamics of non-ideal gases. Phase equilibria, Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Gibbs Phase rule. Reaction equilibria, Enthalpy and Entropy effects on reactions.
- Ideal solutions, Raoult's and Henry's laws, Non-ideal mixtures, Fugacity. Activity and Osmotic coefficients, Colligative properties. Regular solutions.
- Electrochemical potential, Electrolytes, Debye Huckel theory, Electrochemical cells. With and without transport. Membrane potentials, Biochemical Thermodynamics.
- Physical Chemistry, 4th Edition; R.J. Silbey, R.A. Alberty, M.G. Bawendi (J. Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
- Lecture Notes: Jayandran C. Rasaiah